The Search Inside Yourself is the world’s most renowned mindfulness training for corporations. It was born at Google and is based on neuroscience.

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What is it?

Originally developed at Google, Search Inside Yourself (SIY) is an emotional intelligence, mindfulness and leadership curriculum based on neuroscience. The training is highly practical and it incorporates many exercises and tools that can be applied immediately in order to unlock everyones full potential. It has been taught in hundreds of organizations around the world, helping to improve skills such as stress management, resilience, empathy and effective leadership. The program has had remarkable results on thousands of participants. Statistics based on pre- and post assessments clearly show SIY’s strong impact and proven benefits.

Facing ongoing uncertainty, high levels of stress, trends around automation, the shift to remote working, talent retention demands and other business challenges, the need for core human skills at work is more important than ever before. Emotional intelligence, mindfulness and effective leadership help to build future-ready cultures that can thrive through ambiguity and change. 

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What will you learn?

SIY is not ‘just’ a mindfulness training. This training is made for organizations and teams who also want to strengthen emotional intelligence and leadership for their employees.

Hence, the SIY program starts with mindfulness as foundation, and then deepens the core emotional intelligence domains required for outstanding leadership. The training comprises six key modules that build on each other: self-awareness, self-management, motivation, empathy and leadership. For each module, participants learn the theory with key research from neuroscience as well as practical strategies on how to apply the knowledge in work and private life.


Build future ready teams and a thriving organization through SIY

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Experience greater overall wellbeing

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Increase productivity through enhanced focus

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Build resilience in the face of challenges

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Regulate emotions better through self-awareness

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Manage stress through sustainable coping

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Communicate effectively and listen skillfully

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Improve your leadership skills through empathy

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Boost team collaboration and connection


Feedback from over 6.100 SIY participants show strong and positive results

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71% felt better ability to reduce stress after the program

(vs. 46% before the program) 

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61% reported being able to bounce back from an emotionally challenging situation

(vs. 43% before the program)

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72% noticed an ability to increase focus and return to the present moment

(vs. 51% before the program)


The SIY journey follows a 3-step blended learning experience

The SIY program combines a 12-hour live training with a 4-week virtual practice and a closing webinar. The virtual practice supports a sustainable integration of the training content. The live training can be thought both online and in-person.


Step 1

12 hours virtually spread over 3-6 weeks

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Live Training

Online: Six 2-hr. sessions delivered in modules over 3-6 weeks

In-person: 2-day workshop, can be offered as two consecutive days, two 1-days or 4 half-days with space apart

Step 2

Daily exercises over 4-weeks

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Virtual Practice

Weekly exercises and resources delivered by email for 28-days. This includes meditation guidance, self-reflection exercises and journaling prompts. During this time participants are being paired up with a buddy to support the learning integration.

Step 3

1-hour closing webinar

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Closing Webinar

Final session to reconnect with training participants after the virtual practice and to review and set a plan for practice continuation. The closing webinar also provides a dedicated room for additional questions and answers.

SIY has been thought in over 50 countries with key clients

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Get in touch with me for a free chat

Are you interested in bringing mindfulness to your organization? Contact me for a free chat, I’d be glad to help.